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April 14, 2023

How to Prepare For a Newborn Session

You've booked your session, check. You had your baby, check. Now, it is time for your newborn session and you might be wondering what in the world you’re supposed to wear, bring, prepare for, etc. Every newborn photographer is a little different, but for the most part here are the things you need to know.

Before The Session

In the days leading up to your session, there are a couple things you can do to prepare. One is keeping their fingernails trimmed. There are many poses where their little fingers are up their face and when they fuss and wiggle, they may end up scratching themselves if they’ve got daggers for nails (I know my kids had them). So keeping them filed and trimmed leading up to the session is a good way to ensure your baby doesn’t inflict any harm upon themselves.
Another thing you may consider trying is introducing a pacifier. Now, I know this can be controversial, and ultimately, I am going to respect every mother’s decision. Just keep in mind, a pacifier acts as a wonderful distraction to your baby while I am posing him/her. We can absolutely go without, but it may take longer or we may have to skip some poses if baby is not settling.

Day of the Session

The morning of the session, there’s a small checklist I provide my clients with that I will share here:
  • Avoid having diaper ointment on baby. If your baby arrives sleeping, the last thing we want to do is get cold wipes out and wipe diaper cream off their bum.
  • Remove all band aids. We don’t want to anger your baby right before a session where we are supposed to capture how sweet they are.
  • Dress baby in a loose outfit that zips or buttons up the front. This allows for me to easily slip their outfit off when they arrive at the studio and hopefully not wake them up.

What Should I Bring to my Newborn Session?

I provide just about everything for my clients. I have all the props we will need, all the wraps, backdrops, outfits, headbands, bonnets, you name it. The things you are in charge of are the basics like diapers, wipes, a food source, and, if you decide to, a pacifier.

What Should I wear to my Newborn Session

For this part, I will speak only for my own style. I prefer either black or white, or earthy colors such as tans, light browns, creams, etc. For girls and moms, light, dusty pinks or purples works really well too. I would keep it very simple for these photos. No big patterns or textures. Just a simple tee is perfect for these. This keeps the attention on your beautiful faces instead of what you are wearing. I would also make sure your nails are manicured and either painted a neutral color or remove any nail polish prior to the session.